Saturday, April 7, 2012

Nice neighbourhood

syamastro posted a photo:

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada at sunset. Toronto cityscape with its iconic CN
tower is also seen across the lake.

Hamilton at sunset

syamastro posted a photo:

Hamilton at sunset

syamastro posted a photo:

A cliche - cityscape at sunset...

Toronto and its CN tower are seen across the lake.

HCS everyone!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mist-erious forest

syamastro posted a photo:

Morning fog at the top of the escarpment in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. On the
right side, the cliff goes 100m down sharply. I used my new lens - fisheye
Samyang 8mm - which produced an interesting effect of curved trees at the
edges of the frame.

Here is a full sphere panorama from that spot (beware - it is huge, 38 MB, so
it might take a while until you see it in color):

HSS everyone!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Foggy escarpment - panorama

syamastro posted a photo:

A full-sphere panorama (rectangular projection) of Hamilton escarpment on a
foggy morning. Stitched out of 9 photos made with the Samyang 8mm fisheye
lens and my DIY zero-parallax tripod head. (The 9th shot was made hand held
without tripod, to patch the nadir.) Stitching was done using free software
Hugin. The resolution here (16 megapixels) is slightly reduced compared to
the original shots.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Samyang fisheye for street photography: de-fished

syamastro posted a photo:

De-fished (rectilinear) version of my street photo with Samyang 8mm fisheye
lens. Faces and figures are very distorted here - check the face of the girl
on the left side, and the right leg of the person walking on the right side.
The original version (see below) produces much more naturally looking faces
and figures, making the Samyang lens very useful for street photography.

Testing Canon135L lens with AF extension tubes

syamastro posted a photo:

First test with my new cheap (from China) macro extension tubes with electric
wiring (allows AF and aperture control of the lens) with my Canon 135mm f2L
lens. The magnification of such a combo is 1.1:1. I used a flash (Canon 580
EX) attached to the camera with a DIY softbox. The aperture was f/16 -
probably too small, as diffraction effects were pretty obvious. The shot was
slightly cropped.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A cold day

syamastro posted a photo:

Experimenting with my new lens, fisheye Samyang (Rokinon, Bower etc.) 8mm
with a unique, stereographic projection.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Spider Solitaire 2.0-Spider Solitaire mode

Download *Spider Solitaire 2.0* in Softonic

Palm OS Emulator 3.1-Palm OS emulator (v1.0 to v4.0) for Windows

Download *Palm OS Emulator 3.1* in Softonic

Wassup 1.2-View your obligations, tasks and emails remaining for the day on one screen

Download *Wassup 1.2* in Softonic

Facebook 1.0-Manage your Facebook from your PDA

Download *Facebook 1.0* in Softonic

BomberMan 1.0-All of the addiction of BomberMan, now for PalmOS!!!

Download *BomberMan 1.0* in Softonic

PdaNet 3.2-Use your phone as a wireless modem

Download *PdaNet 3.2* in Softonic

Polliglot 2.05-A simple and free automatic translator

Download *Polliglot 2.05* in Softonic

Little Empire 1.5.1-Rule a little empire from your Android phone!

*Little Empire* is a charming *massively multiplayer online* game for
In this game, you're in charge of...yep, you guessed it, a Little Empire!
It's a lovely-looking game, with funny medieval music and lovely, detailed
graphics. In Little Empire - which the developers says is *a cross between a
tower defense and strategy game* - you'll have to build castles, wage war
against your enemy and, of course, raise the funds and resources that you'll
need to do this. Money is called *Mojo*, and although you'll start out with a
certain amount, you'll have to buy or earn more.
Gameplay in Little Empire is a little complicated. There's a very quick
tutorial when you start, but from there on in you'll need to click around in
order to find out what you need to do. The main aim is to build profit-making
ventures to gather resources, recruit an army, kit them out and march into
battle. You can play one of 3 main characters, each with their own strengths
and weaknesses.
Little Empire takes a long time to get into. It's real time (unless you pay
to speed things up), so there's a certain amount of waiting around for your
strategies to take effect. There's also a strong social element to the game -
supposedly, Little Empire is the first location-based 3D mobile game - and
it's certainly got lots of opportunity to meet other players and share your
victories and defeats.
*If you like MMOs, and you have time and money to spare, Little Empire is a
great way to waste time on your Android phone.*Download *Little Empire 1.5.1*
in Softonic

Friday, February 17, 2012

DIY: manual variable power for Canon Speedlite 177A

syamastro posted a photo:

Samyang 8mm fisheye test 1

syamastro posted a photo:

Manual focus Samyang (Rokinon / Bower / Vivitar etc.) fisheye lens with a
unique (stereographic) projection. I describe here how one can fix the
chromatic aberration of this lens in Adobe Camera Raw (Lightroom, Photoshop
etc.), and optionally to make the photo rectilinear: As a basis I use the
lens profile created by akry, .

Samyang 8mm fisheye test 3

syamastro posted a photo:

Samyang 8mm fisheye test 2

syamastro posted a photo:

Saturday, January 7, 2012


syamastro posted a photo:

My first attempt at "levitation photography". I spent many hours working on
this one. I am afraid the concept is not original - I was inspired by the
great work of Luke Takes Photos

HSS everyone!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Two sisters

syamastro posted a photo:

My two daughters.

My first experiment with "vintage" post processing. I followed this tutorial:

Happy holidays, and HSS!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kobo Vox disassembly

syamastro posted a photo:

The new 7" tablet/ereader Kobo Vox inside. It is relatively easy to
disassemble (all held by snaps, no glue), but you have to be very careful.

As you can see, the internal ROM is on a removable micro-SD card - so
presumably you can swap it with another one, with an alternative OS image
(CyanogenMod etc). Also, you can see a small button "rst1", which is
presumably a full factory reset button. I haven't tried it yet.

UPDATE: The RST1 button simply reboots the unit. Someone heard from Kobo
developers that there is no special button or combination of buttons which
would reset the unit to the original state. But one can always make a clone
of the internal micro-SD card, to another 8GB micro-SD card. You don't even
have to disassemble Kobo to do that: if you are a bit familiar with Linux,
simply install a busybox and shell apk's on Kobo, insert a new 8GB card in
the external card slot, run the shell, and execute the command "dd
if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/dev/block/mmcblk1". (You might need root access for
that; if so, run first the Gingerbreak v1.20 apk.) Only if you totally
bricked the device, you'd have to disassemble it, and swap the internal SD
card with the copy.

There is a good discussion forum on Kobo Vox hacking here:

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Serenity at 2km altitude

syamastro posted a photo:

Probably the one million first photo of the beautiful Moraine lake uploaded
to Flickr - definitely a cliche!

Happy Cliche Saturday everyone!